Be an “Extra” in our Filming Session! Wed., Dec. 7 ~ 7:00 pm

Have you ever wanted to be involved in a filming event? This is your big opportunity!

On Wed., Dec. 7th at 7:00 pm, you can be part of the audience for a filming session, featuring 3 professional speakers who want to film clips for video demos. We are looking for energetic and enthusiastic folks who are interested in learning lots of cool tips and techniques, while participating as the audience of this very unique and unusual video session.

The Speakers:

Rev. Dr. Cher Holton, Certified Speaking Professional and Certified Management Consultant; co-minister of Unity Spiritual Life Center, Durham, NC

Paul Kaufman, Pitch Perfect Marketing, Internet Marketing Consultant, Trainer, and Professional Speaker

Rev. Dr. Bil Holton, Metaphysician, Author, co-minister of Unity Spiritual Life Center, Durham, NC

Each of these dynamic speakers will be sharing inspiring signature stories and practical tips on the following areas:

  • Speaking With Pizzazz (How to present yourself powerfully; overcome fear of speaking; and sell your ideas)
  • Hitting a Home Run with Social Media (Understanding the most popular types of Social Media and using them effectively to get results)
  • Retreat Forward! (How to use a retreat away, as an individual or a team, to take gigantic leaps forward in personal enrichment and effectiveness)

This will be a highly entertaining, informative, and interactive evening ~ and you will get a “behind the scenes” experience of how speakers and videographers work!

Those who participate must be willing to:

  • Stay for the entire evening (7-9 pm)
  • Participate actively in the session
  • Be a positive, responsive audience member
  • Be included in the taping
  • Have fun!

Light snacks will be provided, and each participant will leave with a specially-designed handout, filled with lots of tips and techniques related to the topics of the evening!

There is no charge to participate, but reservations are required. Please call 919-767-9620 or email your name and contact information to to reserve your spot!

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