Archive for September, 2011

9-9-9 Durham Bulls FUNd-Raiser a Success ~ Celebrations and Thanks!

September 4, 2011

Our 9-9-9 FUNd-Raiser with the Durham Bulls is over! Abundant thanks to all the amazing volunteers who volunteered their time, energy, and muscle power for this incredible summer project! On Sunday, September 4, the Board of Trustees showed their thanks by hosting a hot dog/ice cream social following our service! We honored our volunteers with a certificate ~ 30 in all!! What a great effort and wonderful level of participation!

Our fearless leader for this event, Carol Elliott, received a special certificate, designating her as “Most Valuable Player!”

Her certificate read:

… For her amazing ability to plan and organize this huge event, creating a full line-up of players for every game, pinch-hitting wherever necessary, coaching the entire crew, putting in long hours before, during, and after every event, persistently following up on our payment checks, and — throughout it all — maintaining a great sense of humor and positive attitude, keeping everyone inspired and operating at peak performance! … For transforming the drudgery of serving hundreds upon hundreds of hungry Durham Bulls fans in record-breaking heat into events of fellowship, fun, and phenomenal team building! She really hit a home run with this FUNd-raiser!

Certificates were presented to our amazing volunteers:

  • Baldwin, Beth
  • Beane, Phillip
  • Brendlen, Ginny
  • Christensen, Laura
  • Cox, Jim
  • Dincalci, Jim
  • Dincalci, Rita
  • Donaldson, Shawna
  • Elliott, Carol
  • Elliott, Nick
  • Elliott, Logan
  • Elliott, Ramsey
  • Evans, Aaron
  • Giragosian, Lisa
  • Granered, Axel
  • Heinze, Robin
  • Henderson, Kathy
  • Henderson, Avery
  • Ingersoll, Carmen
  • Ingersoll, Dick
  • Jager, Jennifer
  • Martin, Callie
  • Richards, Mary Lea
  • Roe, Bonnie
  • Saffo, T. J.
  • Snyder, Holly
  • Stanwyck, Cathy
  • Taylor, Allison
  • Van Buskirk, Elise
  • Waggoner, Susan
Thank you, one and all! Stay tuned … our fall FUNd-Raiser will be announced next Sunday!