Archive for September, 2010

A New Look at Forgiveness! A Showing of Jim Henderson’s Play!

September 20, 2010

DATE CHANGE!! Friday, October 29, 7:00 p.m.

USLC Showing of Ariel’s Way~The Movie, with writer/producer/director Jim Henderson!

Our own Jim Henderson wrote and directed the amazing musical, Ariel’s Way, inspired by Shakespeare’s The Tempest, but set in a remote   Caribbean island in the 1970s. Ariel’s Way played to packed houses for three performances in January, 2010. This professional, theatrical premiere of the play was professionally recorded using three, broadcast-quality cameras and 48 audio tracks. Then Jim and his video and audio team  spent many hundreds of hours in post-production, crafting the video. They selected the best scenes and shots, meticulously remixed the audio to capture the presence of the 12-person live band, the sound effects, the dozen actors, and six dancers (as well as the live audience!), and perfectly synched the video and audio. The results are stunning.

Ariel’s Way: The Movie captures the talent and creativity of a cast and crew that included more than 40 Carolina Friends School alumni, CFS staff and students, and other professional artists who brought Jim’s vision to life. 

Join your USLC family and friends for this very special opportunity, to view the movie, and talk with Jim Henderson about the project! Come celebrate Jim’s success, and see a fabulous show that sheds a whole new light on forgiveness!

Information and Rehearsal pics

Ariel’s Way Performance Pictures

Sample songs: Freedom Song What Love Does

Bring your friends and join us on Friday, October 29, for an evening with Jim Henderson and a viewing that is Not-to-be-Missed!!  7:00 pm at USLC, 2604 Carver Street, Durham, NC 27705.